making the bed in the morning is not good

The recommendation not to make your bed when you get up may seem unconventional, but it has scientific basis backed by sleep experts like Martin Seeley. Although most people make their beds for hygiene and aesthetic reasons, This practice can encourage the proliferation of mites in beddingespecially during spring.

Mites are small creatures that can trigger health problems such as asthma and allergies, so it is important to minimize their presence in our environment.

According to Seeley, Leaving the bed unmade can be beneficial as it allows natural sunlight to penetrate the room and play a crucial role in preventing mite accumulation. Exposure to sunlight has disinfectant properties that can help eliminate some bacteria present in beddingthus reducing potential health risks.

Therefore, keeping the bed unmade for a while after getting up can be an effective strategy to improve sleep quality and reduce the risk of respiratory problems related to mites.

Although it may be contrary to the custom of many people, the idea of ​​not making your bed in the morning gains strength when considering the health benefits it provides. Allowing bedding to air out and be exposed to sunlight can be a natural and effective way to reduce the presence of mites and bacteria.

2024-05-01 09:59:41
#making #bed #morning #good


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