Magnus Carlsen: Former world chess champion Carlsen will play for St. Pauli in the future

Star signing for the Hamburg chess team: Former world champion Magnus Carlsen will strengthen St. Pauli next season. The team has just been promoted to the Bundesliga.

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Former chess world champion Magnus Carlsen will play for the FC St. Pauli chess team in the Bundesliga next season, thanks to a cooperation with the Weissenhaus Chess Academy. The long-term collaboration also includes joint communication measures with Carlsen. The club greeted the Norwegian with the words “Velkommen til Millerntor” and described him as the best chess player in the world. Carlsen himself is happy to be part of the coolest brand in Germany.


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Note Magnus Carlsen (Norway) will play for St. Pauli in Hamburg next season. © Marcus Brandt/​dpa

After being promoted to the Bundesliga, the FC St. Pauli chess team is getting spectacular access for the coming season. Former world champion Magnus Carlsen will play for Hamburg.

The 33-year-old’s commitment is made possible through the cooperation of entrepreneur Jan Henric Buettner’s Weissenhaus Chess Academy and FC St. Pauli. The cooperation is long-term and will also include joint communication measures with Carlsen, according to a statement from the Chess Academy.

Welcome to Millerntor,” the club wrote Xto greet the Norwegian. “The best chess player in the world” strengthens the team. Carlsen, in turn, said according to the press release: “I’m happy to be part of the coolest brand in Germany.”

Carlsen is world number one and was world chess champion from 2013 to 2023. A year ago, the 33-year-old decided not to defend his title. He is still world champion in rapid and blitz chess.

After being promoted to the Bundesliga, the FC St. Pauli chess team is getting spectacular access for the coming season. Former world champion Magnus Carlsen will play for Hamburg.

The 33-year-old’s commitment is made possible through the cooperation of entrepreneur Jan Henric Buettner’s Weissenhaus Chess Academy and FC St. Pauli. The cooperation is long-term and will also include joint communication measures with Carlsen, according to a statement from the Chess Academy.


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