Lucas González Excited to Debut Under Demichelis’ Coaching

Lucas González, eager to debut

“He is a great coach. I have three references: Cruyff, Maturana and Menotti. And many similar techniques derive from there. From what I’ve seen, Demichelis aligns with this thinking. It will be a pleasure to meet him tomorrow, shake his hand and then try to take the ball away from him,” he said.

“We are 11 against 11 that depend on one ball. River players, by budget, They are a little higher. You can only close this gap if you manage to take the ball away from them. And then, those players who are very good when they have the ball, stop being so and we become better. The game happens there,” added the Colombian about the debut.

2024-05-12 01:41:56
#River #Plate #Central #Córdoba #Result #summary #goals


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