Liverpool FC: Molly Gardner’s letter brings tears to Jürgen Klopp’s eyes

Liverpool FC: Molly Gardner’s letter brings tears to Jürgen Klopp’s eyes

Status: 22.05.2024 | Reading time: 3 minutes

Thoughtful: Jürgen Klopp has left a deep mark on Liverpool

Source: dpa/Jon Super

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Last week, Liverpool FC recorded a video with Jürgen Klopp. In it, the coach, who has now passed away, reads out letters that fans had addressed to him. It’s about love, faith and a lot of gratitude. On both sides.

After just over eight and a half years, 491 games and eight titles, Jürgen Klopp has said goodbye to Liverpool FC. It was an emotional end that concluded on Sunday with the final win against Wolverhampton.

The club’s own broadcaster “LFC TV” has now released a video that was recorded the week before. In it, the German coach reads from letters that fans were able to send to their coaching legend. In the emotional video, Klopp sits in his office on the “Reds'” training ground. Before he goes through the messages from Liverpool fans, however, he apologizes: “If I only answered one percent of all the letters I’ve received in the last one or two months, I would still be sitting here until 2028. I try to read almost everything. But it’s difficult.”

Then Klopp goes through some of the fans’ letters one by one. He gets emotional several times, rubs his eyes, speaks with a halting voice. And one in particular moves him to tears. That of Molly Gardner.

Klopp’s thanks to the fans

She writes that she had not been able to attend a Liverpool game for a long time: “My life was turned upside down when I suddenly found myself in intensive care one day with pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas, ed.). I thought I would never see home or family again. Let alone be able to attend a game. It was the scariest time of my life, I thought I was going to die.”

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After a months-long battle, she is now back home, can start her rehab – and go to Anfield Road.

She continued to write to Klopp: “This is not a sob story, but an important message that says that football is a small part of life. Part of the legacy you will leave behind is more than football. You taught us the full meaning of faith. To believe that you can do it if you fight hard enough. You can come back from the hardest times, from the impossible. That’s what you gave me, Jürgen, and thousands of others. The desire to believe and fight. With good people at your side, we can always win. At the end of a storm, there’s a golden sky. I thank you more than you will ever imagine.”

Klopp then wipes the tears from his eyes, looks at the photos sent with him and says emotionally: “I read it and believe it. But when people say that: How can it be about me? If Molly says I influence her life, that’s good. Very good.”

also read

Klopp won the Champions League (2019), the Premier League (2020), the FA Cup (2022) and the League Cup 2024 with Liverpool. But, as has now become clear, he left much more behind in Liverpool than titles. The transformation from doubters to believers has been well described in recent years. Finally, Klopp thanks the fans: “You are special people. Thank you very much. I’m really proud to be part of this family.”


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