Lille Métropole Basket in Financial Distress: Club Launches Call for Help

In great financial difficulties, Lille Métropole Basket has launched a call for help in recent hours in an attempt to raise sufficient funds to survive in the French sporting landscape.

During the 2023-24 season, Lille Métropole Basket will have thrilled its biggest supporters until the end of the year by winning a spectacular victory against Saint-Chamond on its floor. However, the athlete does not do everything in a club. Behind the scenes, the situation is alarming. If the maintenance operation was easily carried out (11th in the final ranking) despite a limited budget (the lowest among the 18 clubs involved), the real battle begins now, in the middle of the off-season. In major financial difficulties, the Lille team is sounding the alarm: “Lille Métropole Basket is in danger. Despite an exceptional performance which allowed the team to maintain its place in the second division of French Basketball for the 15th consecutive year, the club is now faced with serious financial problems which threaten its existence in the very short term.she begins in a press release.

The situation, “worrying in the short term”, pushes the club’s management to react for its survival. She then launched a call for help, announcing that a crowdfunding operation would soon be set up, but that this would not be enough: “The LMB needs the strong support of communities and businesses in the region. We therefore call for solidarity from all to support the LMB to get through this difficult stage and help it continue among the elite of French basketball. […] Let’s not let the LMB symbol die this year! »launches the Lille Métropole Basket, like a bottle thrown into the sea, crossing its fingers that this distress call will be heard.

2024-05-13 15:11:49
#Pro #Lets #club #die #great #financial #difficulties #LMB #launches #distress #call


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