Laupheim Tennis Club’s Two Million Euro Hall Project Approved by City Council

Fully occupied seats in the meeting room and lots of applause: After the tennis hall planned by the Laupheim Tennis Club (TC) next to the “Am grasigen Weg” artificial turf pitch was briefly removed from the public agenda at the end of March, the Laupheim local council approved the hall construction with a large majority on Monday . However, there was also a reminder to pursue the sports development plan on the site west of the B 30 more closely.

After the hall plans were quickly removed from the public agenda in March following a non-public meeting, Kirsten Countess Leutrum, who was responsible for finances on the TC board, feared the end of the hall project worth almost two million euros (the “Schwäbische Zeitung” reported). . According to previous plans, according to the meeting template, there are currently two playing fields in the hall and two padel tennis courts outside.

Tennis club relies on support from the city

In order to be able to manage the major project, the TC is also dependent on the support of the city: The hall is to be built on the approximately 2,900 square meter site next to the artificial turf pitch, the rent of 10,875 euros per year will be covered as part of the city’s association funding, The rental agreement is initially set for 49 years. An option area of ​​around 1,400 square meters is also planned so that the hall can be expanded to include two tennis courts if necessary.

In addition, the TC requires a municipal guarantee of 600,000 euros to secure the loan. This is the largest guarantee that the city has given so far, said Thomas Echtle, head of the Office for Urban Planning and Building Law. “We see a very low risk of default and have no reservations about taking on the guarantee.” In addition, the maximum ten percent club funding of 193,000 euros was applied for for the construction. Lena Glück from the Office for Citizen Engagement, Committees and Culture explained that all requirements for this funding were met.

Importance of the hall for the club

“On March 18th we left the council chamber with our heads scorched,” said Countess Leutrum. Now she is presenting herself to the committee with the hope that the remaining questions regarding “the heart project” of TC Laupheim 1904 can be resolved. Leutrum once again emphasized the importance of the hall for the club, especially for youth work. “There are no training opportunities in winter,” said the treasurer.

So far, individual players and teams have had to resort to the halls in Schwendi, Biberach, Ulm and Ehingen over the winter months. But other surrounding clubs are also interested in occupancy times in the Laupheimer Hall, says Leutrum. “We have already sold 80 hours. That’s half of maximum capacity.”

Youth work and new target groups

Since Corona, tennis has become more popular again, and membership numbers are growing across all age groups, said Leutrum. “The TC Laupheim is future-oriented.” With the new padel tennis facility on Parkweg, the club has tapped into a new target group of people up to 30 years old. They also want to get more children interested in tennis through a pilot project with the Württemberg Tennis Association.

Desire to continue sports development plan

Mayor Ingo Bergmann spoke of a process in which “a lot has been learned”. A number of discussions have taken place in the past few weeks, including with the two football clubs Olympia and Inter. The sanitary facilities at the artificial turf pitch are “in a terrible condition,” said Bergmann. “There is a desire for the sports development plan to be pursued more actively. We will continue to develop the site,” promised the mayor. “Within the scope of our finances.” However, the 105,000 square meter area cannot be further developed all at once.

In addition to the new tennis hall on Grasigen Weg, the entire sports area there is also to be further developed. (Photo: SZ archive)

After the first rejection there is praise and widespread approval

After the committee was unable to agree on approval at the first attempt behind closed doors, the comments were now full of praise. “The hall will enrich the sporting diversity,” praised Erwin Graf (Free Voters). However, he also pointed out that the football clubs should not be forgotten. “If there are unanswered questions, then we have to answer them,” said Mario Fischer (Open List). “The guarantee and the funding are no small things, but when a project like this is on the table, you have to go along with it.”

The renewed consultation was good for the project, said Dagmar Wirtz (SPD). “But the time pressure is incomprehensible for us in the current situation. We tell other groups that they have to wait because of the budget situation.” They have “moved away from a clear no, the SPD is abstaining”.

Councilors praise effort and commitment

Peter-Paul Bochtler (Free List) wished for “a lot of courage and creativity” for a project “with which the club’s leadership will make history. “That deserves respect and support from the council and the city.” However, he doesn’t like the fact that the construction project is being built in an area that is almost over-planned, “there are no options for expansion.” Roland Pecha (CDU) praised Countess Leutrum’s efforts: “You fought like a lioness.” Pecha described the hall as a great opportunity for Laupheim and for youth work. “It’s a huge commitment, and so is the 200,000 euros.”

“She didn’t expect that. “I’m touched,” said Leutrum. The tennis club now wants to start implementation with a delay of two months. The goal is still to be able to play indoors in October. “We wish you a lot of joy and energy – and few sleepless nights,” wished Mayor Bergmann.

2024-05-15 15:00:00
#Laupheim #local #council #votes #tennis #hall


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