La Línea de la Concepción Hosts First 3×3 Basketball Series ‘Weapons-Trasmediterránea’ for FIBA Ranking

On May 31 and June 1 The Line of Conception will host the 3×3 basketball series for the first time Weapons-Trasmediterránea. This is an official competition created by the Spanish Basketball Federationscoring for the Ranking FIBA. To play, you only need a hoop, half a basketball court and six players.

The presentation of this competition was held today at OhTels Campo de Gibraltar and was carried out by the vice president of the Spanish Baloncest Federation (FEB) and president of the Andaluza (FAB), Antonio de Torres; the ambassador of the FEB, Fernando Romay; the project manager at ‘Madison’, Manuel Perez; the corporate commercial director of Armas-Trasmediterránea, Oscar Martinez Huerga; the vice president of the Provincial Council of Cádiz and deputy mayor of Sports, Francisco Javier Vidal Pérezand the mayor of The Line of Conception, José Juan Franco Rodríguez. The BT Elite 3×3 player has also participated, Conde Sea y Victor FierroMálaga 3×3 Basketball player.


Romay assured that the 3×3 “is a great unknown” and has even been undervalued as a method “for training.” But in his opinion it is a basketball specialty “with flavor and tones” that fans of this sport will appreciate.

De Torres pointed out that La Línea will open the 2024 edition on May 31 and June 1 with the first Open in the Plaza de la Constitución. The next events will be Marbella (June 21-22), Zaragoza (June 28-29) and Tenerife, with the Final Master (July 26-27), which will feature the twelve best teams of the season.

For Óscar Martínez, corporate commercial director of Armas Trasmediterránea, “this collaboration with the Spanish Basketball Federation is part of the shipping company’s commitment to promoting sports, healthy living habits and values ​​such as camaraderie, effort and inclusion. ”.

For his part, the project manager of Madison, the entity in charge of the circuit’s infrastructure, highlighted the “welcome and support” of both the La Línea City Council and the Cádiz Provincial Council.

Vidal showed his satisfaction for organizing “events that are increasingly of higher quality” in the city and highlighted the commitment between the Spanish and Andalusian Basketball Federations with the provincial institution “to make this sport grow in the province.”

Finally, the mayor, Juan Franco, recalled that La Línea is Basketball City 2024 and a benchmark for this sporting discipline for years with the organization of championships such as CADEBA and CASEBA. Franco had words of gratitude for the organization, sponsors and institutions that have made it possible for the Armas Trasmediterránea 3×3 Series to be held in the municipality, thus contributing to “relating the name of the city with positive themes” and welcoming them to “the city “fashionable in Campo de Gibraltar”.

The first Open of the Armas Trasmediterránea 3×3 Series 2024 circuit will be held in the Plaza de la Constitución, with free entry until capacity is reached and can also be followed on Twitch and Teledeporte.

Registration is now open on the official website, with more than 4,000 euros in prizes for each Open tournament and 7,000 euros for the Final Master, for both the men’s and women’s categories. At the Open venues, the teams will receive the following amounts depending on the classification in the Open:

  • 1º… 2.400€
  • 2º… 1.600€
  • Semifinalists… €800
  • Quarterfinals… €400.

In addition, the male winner with the highest overall ranking in all tournaments will earn an invitation to participate in a World Tour tournament organized by FIBA, while the female winner will participate in a Women’s Series.

The competition format of the 3×3 Armas Trasmediterránea basketball series will have the participation of 16 teams in each of the categories: the 15 registered teams with the best FIBA ​​ranking at the time of closing, and one team with a ‘wild card’ from the Federation Autonomous organizer. The 16 teams will be divided into four groups of four, with the first two qualifying for the quarterfinals. The Tenerife Final Master will have 12 teams: the 10 best classified from the four Open tournaments and two ‘wild cards’ from the FEB.

The 3×3 Series is organized by the Spanish Basketball Federation and Madison, with the sponsorship of Armas Trasmediterránea, Gana Energía and John Smith, and the collaboration of the Provincial Council of Cádiz and the City Council of La Línea de la Concepción.

2024-05-17 06:36:23
#Open #Circuito #ArmasTrasmediterránea #3×3 #Basketball #Series #Línea


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