Kylian Mbappé’s Olympic Dreams: A Chance After All?

“This is a situation that does not depend on me. You have to think like an adult. I would be happy to play in the Olympics. But if I don’t play them, the Olympics remain the Olympics, it’s an event that goes beyond my presence”. These were the words of Kylian Mbappé about the Olympic Games a few days ago, during the UNFP Trophies ceremony. It must be said that until now, the situation did not invite optimism.

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Real Madrid actually informed the FFF that it did not intend to release its internationals for this big summer meeting, and Thierry Henry admitted several times that it was a bad start, even if he also said that he was going to insist: “I never stopped at the first no. We will see what we can do, the decision will remain that of the clubs, given that these are not Fifa dates. We’ll try to talk, but it’s not easy. We’ll try to talk, see what we can do.”.

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A face to face between Macron and Pérez that changes everything?

This Tuesday, Florentino Pérez and Emmanuel Macron discussed the subject, during a lightning trip by the Madrid president to Paris. And as indicated The team, the President of the Republic was supported by Thierry Henry and Philippe Diallo, president of the FFF. There was indeed talk of Mbappé in the discussion between the four men, then Macron and Pérez isolated themselves, face to face.

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A face to face which obviously changed things a little. The media thus cites a source close to the matter, who explains that “the doors are not closed”. Real Madrid is therefore not closing the door 100% contrary to what was said in Spain. On the side of the Federation, we want to believe in it, and we think that there is still a way to win our case and to be able to call Kylian Mbappé for these Olympic Games at home. Not enough to claim victory yet, but there are reasons to believe it…

Pub. 05/21/2024 11:25 p.m. Updated 05/22/2024 02:12

2024-05-21 21:25:20
#twist #Kylian #Mbappé


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