Kevin Sosa Makes an Impact for New Rimini: Recap of Group C’s Fourth Round

New Rimini’s closer, Kevin Sosa

The rarity of doubles in group C confirms its rule also in the fourth round. Only one, but important, the one obtained by New Rimini on the padua diamond (2-6, 1-3), because it allows Dorian Castro’s team to take command of the group with Crocetta and Rovigo. Two victories quite similar in their progress: New Rimini in fact waited in both games for a pitcher from Padua to drop before hitting and overtaking. In game one the usual Pestana had put the Venetians ahead with a home run, then the Romagnas, who had only three hits at mid-match, changed pace in the box by hitting hard in a 4-point sixth round. Under the spotlight, however, the Tognacci-Sosa duo commanded the stage, but Padova seemed to be able to lead it to the finish thanks to Martinez Torrez with two hits in 7 rounds. But in the 9th here’s another Rimini ring: six singles, three points and a double served.

The one that escapes Rovigo on the Cagliari diamond which interrupts the losing streak (6-19, 9-8). Itas Mutua wins the first match that Cagliari seemed to be able to lead 5-0 after three restarts. Then Rovigo changes gear, overtakes the 4th with 6 points and in a nightmare seventh inning for the Sardinian mountain, scores 11 points with 9 hits (seven singles, a double and a triple). Of note is the 5/5 of Buin who closed his Sunday at 7/10. However, the omelette was reversed in the afternoon because Rovigo started strongly (6-0 in the 2nd, 7-0 in the 4th) then Alessandro Rosales Motta started the comeback with a three-run home run in a 5th inning that continued with Giovanny Rosales Motta who hits a 2-RBI single for 7 points overall, while the overtaking comes in the next inning.

Two great matches in Parma and a victory each between Crocetta and Ronchi (3-4, 5-4). Gereon continues with her all-Italian team (congratulations) and wins game one with a zero in the hit box of the first four batters and an overall 1/15 of the first five. In the end it was decided by a single homer by Abate in the 6th, with Crocetta batting more but leaving too many men on base in the decisive innings. In the evening, however, Carrillo scores his usual 14 strike-outs, but folds his legs in the 6th when he fills the bases which are brushed by Riccardo Serra’s triple. The heart of the home line-up with Poma, Adorni (homer) and Sambucci brings Crocetta back to the surface and the match is decided by 2 points in the 7th with Piazza’s triple and another precious rbi from Poma.

Carlo Ravegnani, born in Rimini on 31 January 1968, began his journalistic career at the age of 20 in the then Gazzetta di Rimini, “replaced” in 1993 by the current Corriere Romagna where he works as a sports editor. Collaborator for the Rimini area of ​​the Corriere dello Sport-Stadio, baseball was a fundamental component in his life: first a fan in the stands of the Pirates Stadium, then a player in the legendary Parco Marecchia and then in Rimini 86, a club he founded together with a group of diehard friends. Then hit and run journalist on his own newspaper and some occasional collaborations with specialized magazines as well as radio commentator of Pirates matches together with his friend and colleague Andrea Perari. His managerial career has also begun in recent years, with the presidency (since 2014) of the Torre Pedrera Falcons. The passion was passed down to his son Riccardo who plays pitcher and first base for the same Falcons.

2024-05-13 17:53:34
#Group #trio #command


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