Kazakhstan hockey players upset France in the opening of the World Championship / Article

Already in the second minute of the game, Enzo Cantagallo marked himself with an accurate shot, putting France in the lead.

France reveals the result

The joy of the French did not last long, because just one minute and six seconds later, Kazakhstan equalized the result, the experienced Roman Starchenko being accurate.

Starchenko makes it 1:1

In the middle of the third, the Kazakhs had the opportunity to play in the numerical majority, which they managed to realize. Maksims Mukhametov delivered the puck into the goal.

Kazakhstan takes the lead

The game was scoreless in the second period, until less than three minutes before the end of the third period, playing with a numerical minority, Kazakhstan scored a goal to take a 3-1 advantage.

Kazakhstan scores a goal in the minority

In the last third, the teams played without goals. Less than seven minutes before the end of regular time, the puck found its way into the French fortress again, but the goal was not counted, as the puck entered the goal from the opponent’s skate.

At the end of the game, France’s pressure was considerable, and France played with six players for long periods of time. Kazakhstan’s accurate defensive play allowed the score to be kept unchanged.

Later on Saturday, the Latvian national team will also start the championship, which will play against Poland at 15.20. LTV and LSM.lv will be able to watch this game live.

At the same time, in the second group, Canada, the homeland of hockey, plays with the British national team. Canada is leading 4-2 in the third period of the game.

World Championship in hockey. Great Britain-Canada

Each group will play a round-robin tournament until May 21, after which the four strongest teams from both groups will enter the quarterfinals. The medal winners of the championship will be announced at the finals in Prague on May 26.


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2024-05-11 12:43:56
#Kazakhstan #hockey #players #upset #France #opening #World #Championship #Article


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