Kaifeng Water Conservancy Planning Service Center Boosts Employee Fitness with 2024 Summer Staff Sports Meeting

Kaifeng Water Conservancy Planning Service Center held the 2024 Summer Staff Sports Meeting

Source: Kaifeng.com Author: All-media reporter Zhang Zhongpeng Release time: 2024-05-22 11:08:07

In order to implement the national strategy of national fitness and national health, make conscious participation in physical exercise a good habit and lifestyle for the center’s cadres and employees, and devote themselves to work and study with strong physique and vigorous energy, on May 21, Kaifeng Water Conservancy Planning Service Center held the 2024 Summer Employee Games.

The games included a variety of events, including tug-of-war, badminton, table tennis, rope skipping and other group and individual events. All the staff of the center signed up for the games and showed great enthusiasm. The atmosphere at the games was warm and cheerful. In the tug-of-war competition, the players worked together and tried their best to win the victory, and the cheers and shouts from the audience continued. In the badminton and table tennis competitions, the athletes were agile, sweating and showing superb skills. In the rope skipping competition, the players jumped lightly, with speed and skills. The athletes showed a spirit of hard work and striving for the first place in the competition, which won the cheers of the audience.

This sports meeting is not only a grand event of sports competition, but also an opportunity to enhance exchanges and cooperation between cadres and workers. Through this sports meeting, the cadres and workers were fully relaxed physically and mentally, and their teamwork spirit was further improved. In the next step, the center will use this sports meeting as a new starting point to continue to carry forward the spirit of unity, struggle and positivity, and contribute to the high-quality development of our city’s water conservancy industry.

2024-05-22 03:09:38
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