Judo Luminary Franz Kofler to Lead Training Session in Bregenz for Judokas of All Ages

On Wed 29.5. From 6.30 p.m. Franz Kofler comes to Judo Bregenz in Seestadt and leads a training session for judokas of all ages from the Lake Constance area. No registration is required.

For years, the likeable Austrian and judo luminary Franz Kofler has been an ambassador for judo with its values, nature, peace and friendship throughout Europe.

Judo is a school of life and does not just take place as a competition on the mat. Judo is an attitude and an attitude to life.” Franz Kofler

Short version of Kofler’s judo life:

born 1957, 6th Dan, A-license trainer, 28-time national champion and Austrian champion, deputy sports director/vice president of the ÖJV, regional association president of Carinthia

2024-05-15 17:49:28
#Judo #training #star #trainer #Franz #Kofler #Bregenz


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