Joy for Gudi, disappointment for Indraši, lack of Balinski and the X factor. We add points to i for the start of the Latvian national team

Harijs Vītoliņš named Gudlevskis, Daugavinas and Ābola as the best, but which three players would the experts include in the second symbolic selection? Who was a pleasant surprise, but whose performance left a feeling of disappointment? What was the X factor that prevented them from participating in the fight for medals and which was the brightest episode of the Latvian national team in this tournament? Together with MVP experts, we looked for answers to these questions and predicted which two teams will meet in the final. Oh yes, and it’s interesting that all three named defenders as the brightest hockey players in this championship so far.

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2024-05-23 07:04:16
#Joy #Gudi #disappointment #Indraši #lack #Balinski #factor #add #points #start #Latvian #national #team


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