Jeollanam-do Governor Kim Young-rok Encourages Athletes at National Youth Sports Festival Badminton Match

▲ On the afternoon of the 25th, Jeollanam-do Governor Kim Young-rok visited Hanium Sports Center in Hwasun, where the 53rd National Youth Sports Festival badminton match was being held, and encouraged the Jeonnam athletes participating in the badminton event. [전남도 제공]

▲ On the afternoon of the 25th, Jeollanam-do Governor Kim Young-rok visited Hanium Sports Center in Hwasun, where the 53rd National Youth Sports Festival badminton match was being held, and encouraged the Jeonnam athletes participating in the badminton event. [전남도 제공]

KPI News / Reporter Kang Seong-myeong [email protected]

[저작권자ⓒ KPI뉴스. 무단전재-재배포 금지]

2024-05-25 13:09:48
#포토 #Jeonnam #Governor #Kim #Youngrok #encourages #Jeonnam #badminton #players #53rd #National #Youth #Sports #Festival


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