Jean-Charles Valladont and Team France Fight for Archery Glory at World Cup

The day after qualifying for the second World Cup of the season in Yecheon, South Korea, Boussières archer Jean-Charles Valladont (Nîmes) and the Blues competed in the team event this Thursday, fueling hopes after the title of European champion acquired ten days ago in Germany.

Seeded No. 4 and exempt from the first round, the French team made up of Franc-Comtois, his Nîmes teammate Baptiste Addis and Thomas Chirault lost their teeth against China (1-5) in the eighth final despite good volleys (56-57, 58-58, 54-56).

Valladont is warned before his 32nd final of the individual event, this Friday, against… Chinese Qi.

2024-05-23 06:47:45
#disappointment #JeanCharles #Valladont #French #team


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