“It’s the first time that it’s happened to me that I’ve been playing well and things haven’t worked out for me,” says Rahm.

Resigned. It is the adjective that can best define the state of Jon Rahm after finishing the second day in the PGA Championship, a day full of uncertainty since, almost certainly, he will wait until tomorrow morning, Saturday, first thing in the morning to find out if he is still standing or not. in the second ‘major’ of the season.

«I don’t think I have missed a shot to the right all week. All mistakes have been to the left. I don’t know very well what happened. I don’t know if I was aiming wrong, which is unusual for me, or if I was aiming too much and then not turning my body properly. I was very surprised by how well he was playing. “It’s the first time it’s happened to me, I’ve been playing very well and things don’t work out for me in a tournament,” the Biscayan explained about his game.

It was, without a doubt, a bad day with the drive. «If you don’t take streets in this complicated field. I’ve made a couple of good putts but it’s a shame that many of the ones I’ve made have narrowly missed the mark. One fact: he only took six streets out of fifteen and his mistakes always came from the left side, 21 in total between Thursday and Friday.

The one from Barrika clings to a thin edge of hope. «If it doesn’t rain… At least let it be a little windy, and good luck. My mistakes? These are things that happen. For example the 7. If I put it on the fairway it is an iron to the green, but I have read it wrong. “The water has caused me to have problems with the effect,” Rahm said after a day where rain predominated.

deceased worker

The Biscayan also referred to the sad episode that occurred early in the morning and which caused the day to be delayed an hour and a half, which is why it must be completed tomorrow. «Someone has died when they came to work for the tournament, run over by another person who came to work. “It is sad that there is a family that has to say goodbye to a loved one.”

2024-05-18 01:12:55
#time #happened #Ive #playing #havent #worked #Rahm


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