“It’s crazy”: from the Nanterre tournaments to the European Cup, the crazy rise of Andy Diouf

Our “Made in IDF” meeting

Because those who make the news often come from Île-de-France, an incredible breeding ground for talent, our series of articles “Made in IDF” invites you to return to the origins of their history. Through photos, testimonies from their first trainers, educators, managers, who saw the blossoming of these gems of yesterday who have become essential actresses and players in high-level sport today.

“When the Covid period ends, you will see me as a professional! » One of his relatives remembers very well this sentence pronounced by his friend Andy Diouf, four years ago. At the time, he had difficulty following him, even sticking his tongue out when the two friends went jogging, due to lack of competition, at the André-Malraux park in Nanterre (Hauts-de-Seine). Where they met in the heart of the Pablo-Picasso city.


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