Italian Teams Have Chance to Qualify for Olympics on Next Italian Night


The two Italian teams will have the chance to be among the 14 nations directly qualified for the Games on the next Italian night

05 May 2024 @photo Giancarlo Colombo

The women’s 4×100 relaycomposed of Zaynab Dosso, Dalia Kaddari, Anna Bongiorni and Alessia Pavese, finished in fourth place in 43″08 in the second heat of the World Relays in Nassau, in the race won by Poland in 42″81 ahead of Canada with 42″98, both qualified for both the final that will award the title and for the Paris Olympics.

The blue team will have the chance to make up for it tomorrow in one of the three repechage series, which will give the pass for the five-ring games to six other nations with the same logic as today of the first two of each match, a not impossible undertaking even if it will be it is necessary to risk a little more on the changes, which today appeared fluid but quite safe, and in any case it should be underlined that the eleventh overall time bodes well.

The 8 finalist teams, in addition to the two from Italy, are the United States, Great Britain, Germany, Australia, Holland and France.

Same fate for the mixed 4×400 relay, made up of Riccardo Meli, Anna Polinari, Lapo Bianciardi and Alessandra Bonora, who finished in fifth place in the second heat with a time of 3’16″88, in the race won by the United States in 3 ’11″52 ahead of Nigeria with 3’13″79, and for them too the possibility of making up for it tomorrow, despite the awareness that the twentieth overall time achieved must be greatly improved.

The 8 finalist teams, in addition to the two from Italy, were the Netherlands, Dominican Republic, Ireland, Belgium, Poland and France.


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