Israel’s Bombing of Gaza Strip Sparks Evacuations in Rafah Amidst Humanitarian Crisis

(Rafah) Israel bombed the Gaza Strip on Saturday and ordered new evacuations in Rafah after a UN warning of a “colossal humanitarian catastrophe” in this overpopulated city threatened by an Israeli ground offensive.

Published at 7:42 a.m. Updated at 10:27 a.m.

AFP journalists, doctors and witnesses reported strikes across the Palestinian territory besieged and devastated by more than seven months of war between Israel and the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas.

The entry of aid into Gaza has been blocked according to the UN since Israeli troops entered eastern Rafah on Monday and took control of the border crossing with Egypt, blocking a key entry point for aid convoys.


Palestinian doctors treat a girl injured during an Israeli bombardment on the Gaza Strip on May 11 at the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital in the town of Deir al-Balah.

At least 21 people killed in bombings in the central Gaza Strip have been taken to Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital in the town of Deir al-Balah, according to the facility.

Bodies covered in white cloth lie on the ground in a hospital courtyard. A man in a baseball cap leans over a body bag, clutching a dust-covered hand. A corpse’s feet protrude from a red and black checkered blanket.

” Hurry up ”

In Rafah, where according to the UN there are some 1.4 million Palestinians, most of them displaced by Israeli bombings and fighting, intense airstrikes targeted an area close to the crossing point with Egypt, they said. indicated witnesses. Smoke rose above the city, according to AFP images.

Other strikes took place in the northern Gaza Strip, according to witnesses.

Defying international warnings against a major offensive in Rafah, the Israeli army has been carrying out incursions into the east of the city since Tuesday, after ordering residents to evacuate the area.

As mediation efforts for a truce and the release of hostages appear to be bogged down, the armed wing of Hamas released a video on Saturday of an Israeli hostage held in the Gaza Strip since the attack Hamas on October 7 in Israel.


A man sits on a vehicle loaded with goods to evacuate Rafah on May 11.

These images of around ten seconds, the date of recording of which is not specified, show a man with a swollen eye and a haggard expression uttering his name. The message is accompanied by the hashtags “Time is running out” and “your government is lying.”

“It’s rebuilding”

The new evacuation order issued Saturday by the army for eastern Rafah said the designated areas had been “the scene of Hamas terrorist activities in recent days and weeks.” Around 300,000 Palestinians have left the eastern neighborhoods of Rafah since the first evacuation order on May 6, according to the army.

In January, it announced that it had dismantled Hamas’s command structure in northern Gaza, but on Saturday, a spokesperson said Hamas was “trying to rebuild” in this part of the territory where the army ordered the evacuation of the Jabaliya and Beit Lahia areas.

The war broke out on October 7 when Hamas commandos infiltrated from Gaza carried out an unprecedented attack against Israel, killing more than 1,170 people, mostly civilians, according to an AFP report based on official Israeli data. More than 250 people have been kidnapped and 128 remain captive in Gaza, of whom 36 are believed to have died, according to the army.

In response, Israel promised to annihilate Hamas, in power in Gaza since 2007, and launched an offensive which has so far left 34,971 dead in the Palestinian territory, according to the Islamist movement’s Ministry of Health.

The US State Department said in a report on Friday that the United States “reasonably believes” that Israel violated international humanitarian law in Gaza, but cannot conclusively conclude, and will continue to deliver supplies. weapons to this country.

A vast operation in Rafah would lead to a “colossal humanitarian catastrophe”, warned UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, repeating that famine was looming in the Palestinian territory.

“We call on the Israeli authorities to cease this military operation without delay and to return to the path of negotiations,” added French diplomacy.

In the event of a major offensive in Rafah, US President Joe Biden has threatened to stop certain arms deliveries to Israel, of which the United States is the closest ally.


Children sit on a cart as Palestinians prepare to evacuate Rafah on May 11.

Rocket fire

Despite the reopening on Wednesday of the Kerem Shalom crossing, neighboring Rafah, closed by Israel for three days after Hamas rocket attacks, the delivery of aid remains “extremely difficult”, Andrea De Domenico told AFP , the head of the Ocha office in the Palestinian territories.

On Saturday, new rockets were fired from Rafah towards Kerem Shalom, one of which was intercepted by the Israeli air defense system, according to the army. The other three fell in uninhabited areas.

The day before, Cogat, the body of the Israeli Ministry of Defense overseeing civil affairs in the Palestinian Territories, announced “the transfer of 200,000 liters of fuel to international organizations” via Kerem Shalom.

For the emergency coordinator of Doctors Without Borders in Gaza, Sylvain Groulx, we must “understand that when more than two thirds of the hospitals or medical structures in Gaza have been either destroyed or partially destroyed, it becomes even more difficult to provide the population with the basic health services they sorely need.”

2024-05-11 14:30:20
#Israel #Hamas #war #day #Bombings #Gaza #evacuations #Rafah


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