Introducing the Tambourine Ball: A New Sporting Activity in Pantelleria

President of the Heron of the Winds in Pantelleria, Felice Pantanoafter 5 years of full sporting activity with the sport of Badminton, in agreement with the FIPT (Italian Tamburello Ball Federation) decides to bring the dynamic game: the tambourine ball. After months of work, he managed to organize the tambourine ball day in Pantelleria, bringing 6 athletes including two girls from the Italian women’s national team, the Provincial Delegate G. Dioguardi, 3 technicians who will explain the dynamics of the game. All this thanks to the sponsors who made this possible.

The President THANKS: DAT VOLI for having granted excellent discounts for “guests”, the LO SCRUSCIO restaurant in S. Bottaro which offered the Saturday evening dinner, the ESPOSITO Naval Shipyard, the MARRONE pizzeria in Scauri for the Friday night pizza, ROGER RABBIT car rental, the MADDALENA winery, the TIKIRRIKI bar, Serafino SPORT, PAVIA Vernici, IDEA Casa, ERRERA hardware store, Bue Marino restaurant, the RIZZO snc agency, the FITNESS CLUB gym of C. Barbagallo. The president would like to point out that the affection shown by all traders is mainly due to the fact of seeing that Pantelleria RESPONDS to sporting events. And we are proud of this!

The practice of tambourine ball embodies a number of values ​​and characteristics that make it an extraordinary activity on many fronts. First of all, its versatility is undeniable: it can be practiced on different types of terrain, be it a gym, a beach or even a street, making it accessible to a wide variety of people in different contexts. One of the most admirable aspects of tambourine ball is its strong sense of fair play. This sport promotes loyalty, mutual respect and fairness among players, creating a healthy and positive environment for all who participate. This encourages not only competitiveness, but also collaboration and sharing moments of joy and satisfaction together.

Furthermore, Tamburello Ball, unlike many, is a sport with less risk of injury, cheaper and more versatile as it also makes the most of existing playing fields.

Looking at the specific context of Pantelleria, the introduction and development of the tambourine ball could bring numerous benefits to the island. In addition to providing an entertainment and physical activity option for local residents, it could also attract tourists interested in participating in or attending events related to this fascinating sport. Furthermore, by promoting the tambourine ball, Pantelleria could consolidate its identity as a dynamic and welcoming destination, aligning perfectly with the lively and fascinating spirit of the island itself.

In summary, the tambourine ball represents not only an opportunity for recreation and physical activity, but also a vehicle for the promotion of positive values. Its potential to enrich the community and cultural life of Pantelleria is undeniable and investing in the sport could bring tangible long-term benefits for the island and its inhabitants. We hope from the inhabitants of Pantelleria, from the municipal administration and also from the sponsors themselves, that they will try it to understand the simplicity of this sport which can be played, I repeat, in every corner of the Pantelleria area.

It reflects the wild and traditional characteristic of our island. In fact, just as the island has remained wild, intact, linked to its traditions, the tambourine ball has also remained to its ancient, popular and traditional rules. The usual current sports on the island help a lot, but we try to give a diversion to the monotony, especially in winter.

To find out more about HOW IT WORKS, its history and the context of a match, we invite you to try it with the current technicians of ASD L’AIRONE DEI VENTI and friends of all ages.

2024-05-12 16:43:04
#tambourine #ball #Giornale #Pantelleria


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