Also in 2024 the Valle Intrasca Marathon, which is affiliated to FSA/Csen and authorized by CONI and FIDAL, will be characterized by two routes: Valle Intrasca, the historic one, albeit with various modifications over the years, of 33.75 km, with a positive and negative altitude difference of 1,625 m, and the Mezza Valle Intrasca, 17.3 km and a positive and negative altitude difference of 375 m.


The registration fee for the Valle Intrasca Marathon is set at Euro 95.00/couple until registration closes (7.20 am) on the day of the race.

The registration fee for the Half Marathon is set at Euro 75.00/couple until registration closes (7.20 am) on the day of the race.

We remind you that registration, the costs of which have remained unchanged compared to 2023, includes: assistance, refreshments, insurance, final buffet, shuttle service for showers, showers, athletes’ meals.

Already over 200 couples registered

Two weeks before the race, 224 couples have already registered, with a marked increase compared to the same moment in 2023, and they are divided as follows: 156 couples registered for the Marathon, of which 46 mixed teams, 94 men’s and 16 women’s; On the other hand, 68 couples have registered for the Mezza.

There are several interesting couples already present: for example the winners of the 2023 Half Marathon Alice Grandi and Veronica Riccio, and again Alessia Sciacca, winner of the 2022 Half, this year paired with Borella; Davide Moglia and Jacopo Paternoster will also be at the start in the half, second in 2023; and also watch out for the Menegaz/Agnelli couple.

In the Intrasca Valley, Stefano Trisconi, winner in 2013, 2015 and 2016 (the latter in a mixed pair), will be at the start, paired with Riccardo Piscia. After the victory in 2022 and third place in 2023, Martina Gioco will race with Amin Dakhil.

The 2014 and 2016 winner Lara Crivelli will compete with Venieri in an interesting mixed pair. Monica Moia and Simona Lo Cane, winners in 2019, and Gabriela Baccan, first in 2014 and this year competing with Mazzolini in the women’s race, will also return. Finally, in the Half, Daniela Margarini, winner in 2008 and 2009, paired with Federica Schiavini, could not be missing.

1970-01-01 00:00:00


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