Inter-Zhang, completely new scenario: “Possible grace period”

Tomorrow, if the 380 million euros loaned to Suning in 2021 have not arrived, Oaktree will start the procedures to enforce the pledge

Tomorrow, if the 380 million euros loaned to Suning in 2021 have not arrived, Oaktree will start the procedures to enforce the pledge, before becoming the new owner of Inter.

Unless, writes Corriere dello Sport, a grace period in favor of Zhang was foreseen in the three-year contract stipulated between the parties:

If the payment has not arrived tomorrow, the enforcement procedures will start immediately, unless the loan settlement provides for a grace period, i.e. a few days in which the default can still be remedied“.

(Source: Corriere dello Sport)

2024-05-20 07:15:31
#InterZhang #completely #scenario #grace #period


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