Inspecting Preparations for the 66th Miryang Arirang Festival and Signing Business Agreement for Badminton Competition

Inspecting Preparations for the 66th Miryang Arirang Festival and Signing Business Agreement for Badminton Competition

On the 20th, Miryang City, Gyeongsangnam-do, conducted an on-site inspection to ensure the successful operation of the 66th Miryang Arirang Festival with the participation of about 20 people, including Mayor An Byeong-gu, Deputy Mayor Heo Dong-sik, and the director and director.

▲ Mayor Ahn Byeong-gu is inspecting the site of the Miryang Arirang Festival. [밀양시 제공]

On this day, the inspection team toured the event venue, which is expected to attract many citizens and tourists during the festival period, and looked in detail at the overall festival preparations, including booth placement and visitor movement.

As sweltering heat is expected during the festival, we have prepared air-conditioned rest areas, outdoor shaded areas, and fans and paper hats to relieve the heat.

Mayor Ahn Byeong-gu said, “The Miryang Arirang Festival is growing into a festival that is the pride of Miryang citizens and represents the Republic of Korea,” and asked, “Please prepare thoroughly so that it can be a festival that everyone who visits the event can enjoy satisfactorily and safely.”

Meanwhile, the ’66th Miryang Arirang Festival’, which will be held from the 23rd to the 26th, was selected as one of the ‘Local 100’, a list of 100 regional cultures hosted by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, and is establishing itself as Korea’s representative festival beyond Miryang.

Miryang City signs business agreement to hold elementary and middle school badminton competition

▲ Mayor Ahn Byeong-gu and others are taking a commemorative photo at the agreement ceremony for hosting the National Student Championships in Miryang with the Elementary School Badminton Federation President’s Flag and the Middle and Middle School Badminton Federation President’s Championship. [밀양시 제공]

On the 20th, Miryang City signed a business agreement with related associations and federations, including the Gyeongnam Provincial Badminton Association, in a small conference room at City Hall to host the Elementary, Middle and High School Badminton Association Long-Term National Student Championships.

The agreement ceremony was attended by Mayor Ahn Byeong-gu, Korea Used Badminton Federation President Cho Bo-ik, Elementary Badminton Federation President Lee Yong-guk, Gyeongnam Provincial Badminton Association Vice President Lee Chang-woo, and Milyang City Badminton Association President Sang-woo Jeong.

Through this agreement, it was decided to hold the elementary, middle, and high school elite badminton competition in Miryang once a year for three years starting next year.

Cho Bo-ik, president of the Used Badminton Federation, said, “Milyang is the best location for a badminton competition as it is close to not only the best stadium but also convenient facilities such as restaurants and lodging facilities,” and added, “I hope the competition will help revitalize the local game.”

KPI News / Reporter Son Im-gyu [email protected]

[저작권자ⓒ KPI뉴스. 무단전재-재배포 금지]

2024-05-21 03:46:06
#밀양시 #소식 #Arirang #Grand #Festival #safety #inspectionbusiness #agreement #holding #elementary #middle #high #school #badminton #competitions


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