Insights from Boris Diaw on Thomas Heurtel and Joel Embiid’s Olympic Team Selections

After the announcement of the expanded list for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, Boris Diaw (manager of the French Basketball Team) returned to certain issues which have been in the news in recent months, notably the cases of Thomas Heurtel and Joel Embiid.

Their absence from the list will surprise no one. And for good reason, the two files were already sealed. At the start of the afternoon, we already had confirmation that Thomas Heurtel would not be in the group. The player pays for his conflict with the Federation after signing for the Russian championship. For Embiid, it’s even simpler since the Sixers star has finally decided to represent Team USA on the international stage.

Two cases concluded but which are still being talked about. Present at the time of the announcement of Vincent Collet’s list, Boris Diaw delivered his truths on these two very different cases. For Thomas Heurtel, Babac explains in particular that a return of the player with the Blues was never on the agenda, even if certain French players had hoped for his return after the last world championship. Comments reported by Robin WOLFF for TrashTalk.

Boris Diaw on Thomas Heurtel:

“It never opened, the decision never changed, it was never selectable, the question never came up”@TrashTalk_fr

— Robin Wolff (TrashTalk) (@robinwolff12) May 16, 2024

For Embiid, Diaw confirms his comments in recent months regarding a changing decision on the part of the Process. Jojo’s leaked letter to President Macron also seems to confirm this theory. Boris does not seem to hold a grudge against the 2023 MVP.

Boris Diaw on Joel Embiid:

“I think at one point he wanted to play for the EDF then he changed his mind, I absolutely don’t think he was misled, I think he had different choices, that he did and he changed it” 🇺🇸@TrashTalk_fr

— Robin Wolff (TrashTalk) (@robinwolff12) May 16, 2024

Source texte : TrashTalk

2024-05-16 18:23:00
#Boris #Diaw #returns #cases #Thomas #Heurtel #Joel #Embiid


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