Ineffective Boca pays the price against Fortaleza: A setback in Copa Sudamericana 2024

Boca gave themselves away and suffered the effectiveness of Fortaleza. The leader of group D of the Copa Sudamericana 2024.

Club de la Ribera tried to make it 2-0 from a dead ball without thinking about taking care of the initial advantage until then, an error that paid dearly when the offensive play did not go as expected and they were forced to retreat against a team specialized in counterpunching.

Marinho sent a cross from the right wing that Lucero failed to connect with, but Andrade did, who was almost behind the Argentine attacker and was not offside by mere centimeters. The Venezuelan forward only had to push her and indeed he did that to declare the agonizing 1-1 first partial and then final that allows the Vojvoda team to enter the last date with the chance of securing first place with a victory; scenario that unfortunately seems inevitable for Xeneize as it hosts Sportivo Trinidense in Brazil.

If they finish in second place in the group, Boca will have to face a team from the Copa Libertadores in the round of 16. A scenario far from ideal due to the complexity of those rivals currently in the most continental competition.

Kervin Andrade’s agonizing goal that complicates Boca

2024-05-16 02:45:25
#Kervin #Andrades #agonizing #goal


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