Indiana Emerges Victorious in Game 6, Knicks in Emergency as Game 7 Looms

Indiana Emerges Victorious in Game 6, Knicks in Emergency as Game 7 Looms

Indiana does its thing and deservedly wins the opportunity to go all out in Game 7 in NY. Knicks increasingly in emergency

You win as a team, you dream with an entire people behind you. Indiana but he understood what the recipe is for breaking down the Knicks: get all the crews off the ground, that is, without relying only on one or two soloists. And the test reported in game 6 of the series against New York is there to prove it: clear victory of 116-103 (with 6 men in double figures) and everything postponed to we are 7which on Sunday evening in Italy (9.30 pm) will make the Madison Square Garden once again the capital of basketball that counts.

Hart makes Thibodeau cry: Knicks out of ammunition

I Pacers their backs were against the wall, but watching them play it almost didn’t seem like they were suffering from the tension and pressure of the moment. Certain, yet another Knicks injury helped: Josh Hart up to now he had been the workaholic, practically always on the parquet and never sitting on the bench, but this time it was he who betrayed coach Thibodeaugetting a abdominal injury which now even risks keeping him out of the challenge that will decide who will go to challenge the Celtics in the Eastern final.

To further complicate the plans of NY also contributed bad shooting night for Jalen Brunsondefinitely a rarity in these latitudes: the leader of Knicks he shot 2/13 until halftime (even 11 consecutive errors), and although he recovered in the second half (31 points) he could do nothing to stop the advance of the Pacers. Which they finally won the rebound fight (44-37)but above all they knew how to accelerate at the right time, that is, precisely when Brunson he started arguing with the iron.

Siakam returns great on the night where it counts most

Il 32-21 second quarter score it was the watershed moment of a race in which Pascal I’m sorry he returned to make a loud voice (25 points and 7 rebounds), while next to usual Haliburton it was the contribution of the bench that dug the furrow, with McConnell (15 points) e Toppin (11) real X Factor evening.

It is clear, however, that for NY now things are getting really uphill: even if he is missing Hart, Sunday evening the list of unavailable (which already includes Randle, Robinson e Bogdanovic, più Anunoby who hopes to return for match 7) would risk making the ambitions of Knicks.

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The last time at MSG a game 7 was played in 1995and even then the rival was Indiana. Who won 97-95, then going on to challenge the Shaq’s Magic in the finalemerging defeated (Orlando will then lose the Finals against Olajuwon’s Rockets).

In short, not exactly a positive memory, but ultimately this is what it really is a weekend of heavy verdicts in the NBA: tonight Dallas has match point at home in the series against OKC, who must win to then play it all in game 7 on friendly soil. Tomorrow evening, after Knicks-Pacersspace for the super challenge between Denver and Minnesota (2 hours) which for the holders of the ring represents the biggest obstacle on the road that leads to the back to back. AND Jokic he cannot be left alone.

2024-05-18 10:03:57
#game #Tonight #Dallas #close #OKC


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