Inclusive Sports Day Brings Together Over 750 Young People with and without Disabilities for a Fun-filled Day of Activities

More than 750 young people with and without disabilities participate in the sixth Inclusive Sports Day organized by Depoadap and the FAAM. A date for people with different abilities to have fun together.

Record number of participants in the sixth Inclusive Sports Day organized by Depoadap and the FAAM and in which the City Council, the Provincial Council and the Government of Andalusia collaborate. A date to have fun and practice sports, regardless of each person’s abilities.

Throughout the morning, around twenty activities have been carried out, such as rugby tag, water polo, football, tennis or pickleball and young people with and without disabilities have mixed in all of them.

This year, students from six educational centers in the capital and two other schools in the province attended, as well as users from the associations Aspapros, Verdiblanca, Anda, Murgi, A Toda Vela, Acifa, Asperger, Asalsido and the residence for seriously affected people. of the FAAM.

2024-05-22 18:09:55
#people #disabilities #participate #sixth #Inclusive #Sports #Day #UAL


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