Inauguration of First LGBT+ Refuge Co-housing in Rome: A Safe Haven for Victims of Violence and Discrimination

A safe place where you can take back your life until you reach definitive autonomy. On the occasion of the world day against homobitransphobia, Friday 17 May, the first LGBT+ Refuge Co-housing was inaugurated in the first municipality of Rome, intended for young victims of violence and discrimination, some of them also migrants.

An important project, and the fact that it was born from an asset confiscated from the mafia inevitably makes it even more special: “Absolutely – underlines the president of the 1st municipality of Rome, Lorenza Bonaccorsi -. In this way, an asset with enormous social value is returned to the citizens.” According to data provided by the Gay help line, every year in Italy 53% of young LGBT+ people suffer discrimination and violence in the family, and over 400 of them need a protected place to stay, and with this attempt to respond to this strong need of help and welcome

The keys to this protected refuge, the address of which cannot be disclosed for obvious reasons, were delivered into the hands of Marina Marini, coordinator of the Gay center family homes, directly by the mini mayor Bonaccorsi. Also present at the ceremony were the councilor and president of the Equal Opportunities Commission of the first municipality, Claudia Santoloce and Daniela Spinaci, as well as the president of the Capitoline Heritage Commission, Yuri Trombetti.

The house will allow up to 3 young people to be hosted in a semi-autonomous regime, who come from situations of violence and discrimination, thus becoming the third reception house after Refuge Lbgt and Refuge T* A casa di Ornella, also managed by the Gay Center, increasing thus the places available for this type of reception. “They are always few because the requests are really many – explains Marina Marina -, but this initiative is very important and we thank the municipality, because it is also a way to shine a light on this problem”. The guests of the facility will be selected through requests for help which will be collected through the social services of the first municipality of Rome and by the Gay help line on 800 713 713.

2024-05-17 17:50:17
#property #confiscated #mafia #protected #refuge #victims #homobitransphobia


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