In Japan, the bitter legacy of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games

As Paris prepares to host the Olympic Games, Japan is still trying to digest those of Tokyo 2020, undermined by scandals, which could have permanently dampened the country’s interest in hosting Olympic events.

Published on: 05/21/2024 – 08:48 Modified on: 05/21/2024 – 08:46

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Cost overruns, concerns linked to Covid, corruption and sexism scandals: numerous controversies have tarnished the memory of the Japanese for their Olympics, which also took place largely behind closed doors in 2021, a year later provided that.

These bad vibes directly contributed to dampening Japan’s desire to host the Winter Olympics: the candidacy of Sapporo (north), first envisaged for 2030, was postponed to 2034 due to a lack of support public, then buried in December.

Yet, ” the Japanese love the Olympics » and had great hopes for those of Tokyo-2020, reminds AFP Kaori Yamaguchi, former world judo champion who was a member of the Japanese Olympic Committee (JOC) for ten years.

But a gap has appeared between these expectations and reality, she believes.

« People enjoyed watching the sports competitions, but they had a negative impression about the organization and management of the event “, according to the former judoka, who won bronze at the Seoul Games in 1988.

« It was as if there was a wall that kept everything bouncing: everything people raised was ignored or didn’t come to fruition. ».

Above-ground managers

The final cost of the Tokyo Olympics amounted to more than 12 billion euros, around double the initial estimate.

And due to the pandemic which was still raging in 2021, many Japanese wanted a further postponement, or even an outright cancellation of the mega-event.

Fireworks at the Tokyo Olympic Stadium for the opening ceremony of the games on July 23, 2021, in Japan © Kazuhiro NOGI / AFP/Archives

Their anger was mainly directed against the organizers, whom they considered disconnected from reality. This feeling was reinforced when the president of the Tokyo-2020 organizing committee, former Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori, shocked people with sexist remarks that forced him to resign.

The Games themselves went ahead without major problems, amid strict anti-virus measures that included banning spectators at most venues.

But as soon as the Olympics were over, corruption scandals broke out, making headlines in the Japanese media and further tarnishing the memory of the event. Several officials and business leaders have been convicted in cases of bribery or rigged calls for tenders.

Having become very unpopular because of his management of the health crisis and his stubbornness in maintaining the Tokyo Olympics, the then Japanese Prime Minister, Yoshihide Suga, also gave up power a few weeks after the Paralympics.

« Even if the pandemic hadn’t happened, the dishonesty, inappropriate statements by senior leaders, and cost overruns would still have happened », According to Hirokazu Arai, professor specializing in sports psychology.

Disinterest in Paris-2024

The city of Nagoya (central Japan) must certainly host the 2026 Asian Games, but this decision was made in 2016, well before the Tokyo Olympics.

It will be necessary ” some time » before Japanese public opinion once again supports an Olympic candidacy in the archipelago, thinks former judoka Kaori Yamaguchi.

« The modern Olympics have over a hundred years of history, but if you can’t explain what they’re for, people will think it’s just another event that costs money », she adds.

A Japanese supporter during the fireworks at the Tokyo Olympic Stadium for the opening ceremony of the games on July 23, 2021, in Japan © Philip FONG / AFP/Archives

Mr. Arai even believes that there is now “less interest” in Japan for the Olympic Games, just over two months before the Paris opening ceremony on the Seine.

« Normally there should be a lot of information » on Paris-2024 in the Japanese media, « but I don’t think that’s the case “, he said.

Ms. Yamaguchi hopes that the positive legacy of the Tokyo Games can be clearly revealed. in 10 or 20 years “, when the current generation of children has grown up.

« The organizing committee started with the theme of inclusion and diversity, and Paralympic athletes visited many schools “, she emphasizes.

SO ” there were negative things, but also positive things that sowed seeds that could flower in the future » she wants to believe.


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