Impressions from the DJG Augsburg’s Japanese Spring Festival: Judo Takes Center Stage at the Botanical Garden

Another major event was imminent: the DJG Augsburg’s Japanese Spring Festival took place in the Botanical Garden for the 17th time. Unlike in recent years, the weather was good: wonderful sunshine and pleasant temperatures provided a worthy setting. A wide variety of offerings from Japanese culture were presented to thousands of visitors throughout the day. In addition to kimono fitting, haiku poetry, kanji calligraphy, Japanese cuisine, dance and music, the martial arts were of course also on display.

Judo also presented itself, organized by the Swabia district with its district chairman Guido Schieber. At the information stand, which was well attended and helped inform many interested parties, there was also practical work to be admired.

This time the Sportfreunde Friedberg judo team provided the mat and gave an insight into Olympic judo.

A team formed at the district Kata meeting, consisting of judoka from the JCA, the TSV-Königsbrunn and the WSF-Tapfheim, tried their hand at the Ju no Kata as a “synchronized ballet” to music by Johann Sebastian Bach.

Three times throughout the day, skilfully moderated by David Schlagowski from the Friedberg Judo Team, the magic of the sport of judo was impressively demonstrated.

Spectacular throwing techniques, transitions to floor techniques with holding, levering and choking, application in Randori, and in contrast, almost meditatively, the Ju no Kata, for the first time as a team, synchronously and to music. In the end, participation was offered and gladly accepted.

All participants were rewarded with sustained applause each time.

Below are some photo impressions:

Our information stand setting up the mat, … just in time …! Ju no Kata,, synchronously as a team The “District Ju no Kata Team”: Claudia Kleinle, Matthias Kolonko, Wolfgang Schelzig, Wolfgang Hirsch, Lisa Kirchner, Antonia Mayrshofer, Alfred Rauhut and Ridha Bellili The participating judoka from the Friedberg judo team with their department head Sebastian Mayr Our moderator David Schlagowski from the Friedberg judo team. You were allowed to take part and try it out. Sore made Rei and “さようなら、私の友達
Sayōnara, watashinotomodachi” (goodbye my friends), see you next year!

Text: Wolfgang Schelzig, photos: Andreas Kleinle

2024-05-21 20:29:40
#Japanese #Spring #Festival #GermanJapanese #Society #DJG #Augsburg #Mothers #Day #Botanical #Garden #Augsburg


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