Iga Swiatek on her victory in Rome: “My serve really helped me”

“You won in a very impressive way against the world No. 2 (6-2, 6-3)…
I played well and solidly. I took my opportunities. It’s certain that this match was a little different from the one in Madrid. I felt like I was putting a lot of pressure on throughout the match.

You had seven break points against you. You saved them all. You have saved 18 out of 19 in the last three matches. What makes it so difficult for you to play in these moments?
I try to treat these points like any other point. I don’t feel like I’m under pressure. Maybe also because I know that I am an excellent raiser, and that even if I lose my serve, I can recover afterwards. I think in this tournament, my serve really helped me. All the work we did paid off in the important moments.

You seem quite relaxed this (Saturday) evening…
I’m perhaps more relaxed than in Madrid after the final, because it was obviously surreal. I was relaxed because I knew that if I worked hard and had the right mindset, the double was achievable. I’m happy that I was so focused and disciplined throughout the tournament to achieve this. In Madrid, I didn’t feel like I could do everything. Here, that was less the case.

“I really want to stay humble and focus on taking everything step by step”

Iga Swiatek, avant Roland-Garros

Who did you call in your chair right after the victory?
To my father and my sister. I’m really in the bubble during the tournament, so sometimes I don’t talk to anyone for a long time. I wanted to call them because without my father, I wouldn’t be here. It’s thanks to him that I play tennis. I thought it was a good idea (smile).

Are you the favorite for Roland-Garros?
I’m number 1, so I’m the favorite everywhere if you look at the rankings. But rankings don’t matter, so… Obviously, I’m confident. I feel like I’m playing great tennis. But that doesn’t change the fact that I really want to stay humble and focus on taking everything step by step. Grand Slam tournaments are different. The pressure is not the same on and off the court. »


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