“I wanted to vibrate with the Lyonnais”: great atmosphere at Groupama Stadium ahead of the OL finals

Olympique Lyonnais was very scared with the scheduling of its summer concerts in its stadium. Taylor Swift’s June 2 show made some decision-makers in the offices tremble for a long time because the date coincided with the return jump-off, the one where the L1 team receives the L2 team. Once the fear had passed, OL having ensured its continuation for a while, the leaders of Les Gones were on the contrary pleased that no artist had chosen Décines to perform this May 25.

OL jumped at the opportunity to set up a gigantic free fan zone in the stands and on the pitch of their stadium, spending a week in advance in concert configuration with 18,000 people in the pit. The fans, mostly dressed in white like the Lyon supporters present in Lille, first vibrated to encourage the women’s team, unfortunately beaten 2-0 by FC Barcelona in the final of the Champions League. “I’m disappointed but they remain legends,” confided Jérôme, a 46-year-old fan, afterwards.

“The atmosphere is the same here as in Lille”

Louis is one of those, around a third, who were on site from 6 p.m. to remotely encourage Wendie Renard and her partners: “For me the girls are important because they have an incredible track record, OL is the best club feminine in the world. Coming with friends from Tassin-la-Demi-Lune, a town in western Lyon, this 24-year-old landscaper expected an “incredible atmosphere” during this long evening in Décines. Tim, a 16-year-old teenager, does not regret not having had the means to go to the North: “The atmosphere is the same here as in Lille because the supporters are from everywhere”.

Great atmosphere at Groupama Stadium this Saturday for the two OL finals. AFP or licensors

The club had also expressly requested that a video montage of the fans present at Groupama Stadium be sent to the players to be broadcast in the locker room before the Coupe de France final.

In the middle of these 35,000 or so fans, we even found Pec, 25, who came alone from… Strasbourg to attend the two finals at OL: “I would have preferred to be in Lille but it was difficult to have seats and I wanted to vibrate with people from Lyon rather than watching the match at home with people from Strasbourg.”

The announcement of the clashes on the A1 motorway raised concerns among many, even if some “consoled” themselves for having remained in the Rhône: “It’s painful for those who are there, hoping that ‘There are no injuries on the side of the Lyonnais, the Parisians or the Lille residents and that reassures us in the fact of not having gone there, we must comfort ourselves as best we can.’

At least, in Décines, the Lyonnais, who came with friends or families, feared nothing, in an ultra-good-natured atmosphere. With in particular during the pre-match a musical playlist (Magic System, Kungs, “In the eyes of Emilie”…) well known to the stadiums which helped to raise the atmosphere. Until “He who doesn’t jump isn’t Lyonnais” and the OL anthem took over. Before Parisian superiority plunges Décines into resignation. O’Brien’s goal to bring Lyon to 1-2, however, raised hopes. In vain.


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