How much is it worth for Gasperini to leave Atalanta?

Everyone, even if, perhaps a little out of envy, we don’t want to admit it, we still have it in our eyes Atalanta’s performance against Bayer Leverkusen. The triumph of the Orobic team in the Europa League is certainly not something that can leave us indifferent, primarily because of how it arrived. Gasperini’s men have in fact literally annihilated what was considered the strongest team of the season, at least numbers in hand. And so, this historic victory is considered by all to be the icing on the cake of a wonderful ride. In short, Gasp’s cycle at the Dea seems to be over and done with. But is it really like that?

There is no point in going around it: for some time now there has been Napoli’s pressing. De Laurentiis seems to have understood that, after a disappointing and troubled year to say the least, someone with the personality, charisma, determination and experience of someone who brought Atalanta to Olympus is needed. The stimulus is undoubtedly an important one and perhaps Gasperini, having reached his peak with the Nerazzurri, would need such an important new challenge. But, as with any choice, there can be risks. In short, using a stock phrase, you know what you leave behind, but you don’t know what you find. Our thoughts turn, for example, to a turbulent locker room to say the least and to a seething square that is increasingly on the verge of a nervous breakdown. In short, Gasp would be the man of the revolution, but it is not certain that this will succeed in its entirety and from the very first months.

On the other hand, however, there is obviously Bergamo, who loves the man and the coach who literally made history. Furthermore, it remains to be understood how much Percassi wants to change and shuffle the cards a bit. Simply put, why change a perfect car? There are many doubts, but perhaps the hunger for a new adventure could, in the end, really make the difference and literally take over. However, the feeling remains that dangers could be just around the corner for everyone. But, after all, especially in football, nothing ventured, nothing gained.

2024-05-24 10:00:20
#worth #Gasperini #leave #Atalanta


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