Hollywood Star Steve Buscemi Brutally Attacked in New York City Street

Brutal attack on the well-known Hollywood star Steve Buscemi (66). The actor was suddenly attacked and punched in the face by a man on a New York City street in broad daylight.

The 66-year-old star of “Fargo” and “Boardwalk Empire” suffered severe bruising, swelling and bleeding to his left eye in the attack and was taken to a nearby hospital. “He is doing well and is grateful for everyone’s good wishes,” his press spokesman has since announced.

Police said there had been no arrests and the investigation was continuing. The search is currently underway using images from a surveillance camera showing a man with a beard, wearing a blue T-shirt and a baseball cap.

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Buscemi’s “Boardwalk Empire” colleague Michael Stuhlbarg was hit in the neck with a rock while walking in Central Park in Manhattan on March 31, the New York Post reported. Stuhlbarg pursued his attacker, who was taken into custody outside the park.

2024-05-13 01:15:50
#Boardwalk #Empire #actor #Steve #Buscemi #Hollywood #star #hit #face #street #Entertainment


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