‘Hecha pa mi’ by Boza continues to go around the world with a new ‘trend’ on TikTok

Fame: Wednesday, May 22, 2024 12:10 PM

Fame: 2024/05/22 12:10pm

This 2024 the song from the album “Mas Negro que Rojo” is acclaimed by women.

COMERCIAL – Robapagina A Mobil 300×250

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The song “Hecha pa mi” was and continues to be a success for the Panamanian singer Boza.

In In 2020, this “single” from the album “Mas Negro Que Rojo” put rhythm in the lives of thousands of people around and conquered TikTok with the #HechaPaMiChallengea choreography that was created by his compatriot Julián Torres.

Now, in 2024, a new “trend” was born but it is not a dance. Hundreds of women now use the paragraph of the song that begins by saying “she doesn’t have friends, she just knows…” andor used to describe “what life starts to sound like after a bad time.”

“He has no friends, he has only acquaintances.”
She is quiet and doesn’t like to waste her saliva.
He has a different way of seeing life
What does not suit her gives way and avoids it

It has its own saying
Things come things go
Everything happens without effort”, is the paragraph that is now “stuck”.

@user9268984 #fyp sonido original – Letras

COMERCIAL – Robapagina B Mobil 300×250

COMERCIAL – Robapagina C Mobil 300×250

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2024-05-22 17:18:22
#Hecha #Boza #continues #world #trend #TikTok


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