“He is already preparing what comes next”: in Spain, the press analyzes Kylian Mbappé’s speech and expects his arrival

As long as the officialization of Kylian Mbappé’s arrival in Madrid is not official, Spanish journalists and observers will not miss a beat of the words and speeches of the future ex-Paris Saint-Germain player. Monday evening, following the UNFP trophy ceremony, the Spanish press did not fail to analyze the speech of the number 7 of PSG, who had just received his fifth trophy for best player of the season.

He announced it: Paris is over. France itself. Kylian Mbappé will no longer be a Ligue 1 player next season, and will sign for Real Madrid, even though the information has not yet been made official, neither by the player, nor by the Spanish club.

But on the other side of the Pyrenees, the excitement is immense. The top scorer in the history of PSG, destined to join Real for several years, will wear the white jersey of the Merengues next season. “Mbappé already thinks like a Madrid player”, writes on X the pro-Real daily Marca for whom Mbappé is “already preparing the future”.

Kylian Mbappé’s speech, resembling a farewell speech, was widely taken up by Marca and AS, the latter recalling that the striker “avoided revealing what his next club will be”, quoting the captain of the Blues. “In life, you have to take time for everything. The only thing you need to know is that I’m leaving PSG. As for the rest, perhaps now is not the time to find out. »

The Madrid press also points out that, contrary to his farewell video published last Friday, Mbappé this time had a word for his president Nasser Al-Khelaïfi, without however pronouncing his name. Beyond that, the Spanish media are waiting more than ever for the arrival of their future jewel, whose qualities they praise. “Mbappé leaves behind an unparalleled legacy, an unrivaled collection and extraordinary individual statistics,” writes AS.


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