Harsh letter from Roma, Inter, Juve and Milan to Casini: “You don’t represent us”

Jacopo Aliprandi Wednesday 8 May 2024, 9.00pm

ROMA Roma, Juventus, Milan and Inter do not want to be represented by the president of the League Lorenzo Casini in institutional meetings. The four Serie A clubs have rejected Casini with a letter sent to the League ahead of tomorrow’s meeting with Abodi. The tough position taken by the four clubs who had also voted for the modification of the championship with the reduction to 18 teams to favor the numerous international commitments, are now raising their voices: “Dear President, following yesterday’s informal meeting, we wish to represent to you the following. During the meeting, reference was made on several occasions to positions represented by you in institutional settings based on the document approved by the LNPA Assembly on 14 February. Our clubs have not approved that document, nor therefore its contents, starting from tomorrow’s meeting with the Minister of Sport as well as in any other institutional context in which you will represent the positions of the Lega Nazionale Professionisti Serie A founded. on that document, to clarify in advance that these are positions not shared and approved by our Clubs”.

The tear of the four clubs

The letter is signed by the managers of Milan, Roma, Inter and Juventus and reiterates the desire not to be represented by Casini and therefore by the League, and that in institutional meetings the position it represents is not shared by these four clubs, which alone they represent 70% of football turnover in Italy. A letter that arrives the day before an important meeting with the Minister of Sport and Youth Andrea Abodi. In fact, at 3.30 pm the meeting will take place regarding the government’s project for the establishment of a supervisory authority for the financial management of professional clubs. The presidents of CONI, FIGC and FIP, Giovanni Malagò, Gabriele Gravina and Gianni Petrucci, the president of the Serie A League, Casini, and the various members of the leagues were invited to the meeting. After the clubs’ no, the League will speak on behalf of the teams: all except the four in the letter.

The League’s response

The proposals to obtain greater weight and autonomy for the Serie A League “they are carried out on the mandate of all the clubs”and the document approved by the Assembly “it was never publicly represented as having been voted unanimously”: this is what they underline to ANSA sources from the League of A, after the letter from Milan, Roma, Inter and Juve to president Casini. The same sources recall that “since the day of the meeting in which it was presented, it was immediately said that only 4 teams had abstained from the vote, due to their opposition only to the point relating to the 20 and 18 team championship formula”.

2024-05-08 19:00:51
#Harsh #letter #Roma #Inter #Juve #Milan #Casini #dont #represent


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