Hansi Flick Emerges as Top Candidate to Replace Xavi Hernandez at FC Barcelona

Hansi Flick (59 years old) is the great candidate to replace Xavi Hernandez in front of the bench FC Barcelona the next season. The former coach of Bayern Munich and the German team spoke yesterday by phone with the sports director of the Barça, Decowho validates German as a substitute for Xavi. The head of the Barça sports team went yesterday morning to London together with his deputy, Bojan Krkicand although it was speculated throughout the day that both saw each other with Flick and his agent, Pini Zahaviin the capital of England, the truth is that no meeting took place and the only contact between Deco y Flick It was telephoned by order of the president The door. In fact, as RAC1 reported, and MD was able to corroborate, there was good harmony. There was no physical encounter with Flickbut Deco He did have a meeting with a football personality but his identity was not revealed.

Although several Premier League teams were pending the situation of Flickwithout a team since he left the German team last September, including Chelsea, who thought of the German as the replacement for Mauricio Pochettino, Flick He stopped all negotiations because his priority was to train FC Barcelona. In fact, he directly said ‘no’ to the Chelsea and was attentive to the situation on the bench Xaviwho this coming Sunday indicates that he will direct his last game on the Barça bench against the Sevilla.

The conversation of Deco con Flick It was positive. He already had good references previously through the German coach’s agent, Pini Zahavi, but these were confirmed by his talk with the former Bayern Munich coach. This makes him now the best-placed coach to take over the Barça team’s bench. All of this when the meeting with Xavi Hernandez scheduled for next week in which the season has to be analyzed by the sports commission. However, this movement of Deco by Flick and the feelings with which the conversation with him ended, along with the president’s preference The door because of the German school and the good references of his agent, Pini Zahavigreatly increase the chances of the former German coach taking the reins of the Barça.

Flick He was already very close to the bench Barça a month ago, before the meeting at The door con Xavi, where the one from Terrassa was ratified. However, the new scenario that has opened in the FC Barcelonaafter the anger of The door con Xavihas led to Flick grow again to be the chosen one to lead the Barça ship next season.

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2024-05-22 22:53:39
#Offensive #Flick #favorite #replace #Xavi


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