Handball: “The phenomenon is Kylian, not me! », considers Dika Mem

He has lost none of his smile and his freshness. Two years after flying to FC Barcelona with twelve months of professionalism in Tremblay as only baggage, Dika Mem (20 years old) spends the week at CDFAS in Eaubonne, where the internship which bears his name is organized. The gifted French handball player, world champion at 19, looks back on his journey as dazzling as that of footballer Kylian Mbappé.

Do you realize that three years ago, you were a resident of the Eaubonne center?

DIKA MEM. Um no (laughs)… But when I think about it, I realize that it’s really been a very short time since I left. Some break through after ten years. For me, it went a little faster, I’m not going to complain about it (smile).

Does this express ascent make you dizzy?

Not to me anyway. Rather than being satisfied with what happens, I mainly think about continuing on my merry way. I want to go even higher, and win everything. When I stop my career, we’ll see if there’s anything to be dizzy about. But for now, I’m working, without thinking about what I did the day before.

Do you feel like you are experiencing exceptional growth?

No because some have already done it, at least I think (laughs). I don’t know Niko Karabatic’s career by heart, but he was voted best in the world at 23 years old. It’s very early ! I don’t want people to see me as someone exceptional, just as an athlete who works a lot and who knows where he wants to go.

Is being young, from the Paris suburbs and already in the French team enough to be compared to Kylian Mbappé?

Football and handball are two sports with very different mentalities. This is not the case for Kylian, but in football, some guys take themselves for others. Him, I really respect what he does. I love what he is doing in this World Cup. But to come back to your question, if our sporting careers are comparable, there is a big difference: I was not transferred for €180 million (laughs)… (Editor’s note: Barcelona had paid €100,000 for the clause release so that he signs and leaves Tremblay).

How do you view his journey?

There is a little admiration but also an element of inspiration. He has an enormous mind, and always has a sensible speech in interviews. We don’t know each other, but he’s someone I’d like to talk to, he doesn’t seem like a guy who’s going to take the lead (sic). As I am from the same generation, I like “the young people who are coming up”. I want us to continue to talk well about ourselves, not to say that we had good profiles, but that in the end we fell apart (sic). There was a period where guys were falling as quickly as they were up. I have the impression that this is less the case today. What we are doing, the young handball players, or those in football like Kylian or Ousmane Dembélé, is good, it must continue.

Who is the phenomenon, him or you?

The phenomenon is Kylian, not me! In his sport, he dazzles everyone. Have you seen what he does in the World Cup?

Do you see Mbappé and France winning the title?

I don’t know, the table part is complicated. I think France will beat Uruguay on Friday. Afterwards, if, as many think, the Blues and Brazil find themselves in the semi-final, it is the winner of this match who will be world champion.

Back to handball. Did seeing three French clubs in the Final Four of the Champions League this season make you regret joining Barça two years ago?

No. This year with Barça, we console ourselves by saying that we were knocked out by the future European champion (Editor’s note: Montpellier). We made a mistake, it happens. But that won’t be the case next season. From the concierge to the last player, we are all motivated to win it.


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