Guizhou Wine Company Fined for Unauthorized Use of Kobe Bryant’s Name

(Original title: Kobe Bryant Wine Company was fined 10,000 yuan for using Kobe’s name without authorization and was accused of violating Kobe’s name and was fined 10,000 yuan)

Tianyancha App shows that recently, Guizhou Lao Ke Wine Co., Ltd. (formerly known as Guizhou Kobe Wine Co., Ltd.) was fined 10,000 yuan by the Guiyang Guanshanhu District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau for violating the Anti-Unfair Competition Law by using other people’s corporate names or names without authorization. The reason shows that on April 3, 2024, the party released 7 promotional advertisements for products such as “Ke 8 Ke 24 (double gift box), Ke 20” through the Douyin account “Guizhou Kobe Wine”. Among them, the bottles of “Ke 8 Ke 24 (double gift box), Ke 20” are in the style of basketball jerseys. In the video advertisement, the party used words such as “Kobe Sauce Wine”, “Mamba Spirit”, “Tribute to Legend, Youth Never Fares”, and used the famous sayings of the world-famous basketball star “Kobe Bean Bryant Cox” in the promotional advertisement without authorization, such as “Have you seen the street scene in Los Angeles at 4 a.m.?” “Someone must win, why can’t that person be me?”

According to media reports, the company had previously attracted public attention for launching “Kobe sauce wine”, and was questioned by netizens for “touching” the star Kobe. Tianyancha shows that the company was established in August 2023, with Yu Yongyang as the legal representative and a registered capital of 10 million yuan. Yu Yongyang and Yu Haiyang hold 99% and 1% of the shares respectively. Not long ago, the company was renamed Guizhou Lao Ke Wine Co., Ltd. from Guizhou Kobe Wine Co., Ltd.

2024-05-24 02:39:08
#Kobe #Bryant #Wine #Company #fined #yuan #Kobe #Bryants #authorization #company #fined #yuan #allegedly #tampering #Kobe #Bryants #name_Company #News_Finance_Securities #Star


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