Guanajuato judokas Prisca Awiti and Paulina Martínez compete in World Championship in UAE

León, Gto.- The judokas representing the state of Guanajuato, Prisca Awiti and Paulina Martínez, saw action in the World Championship of the specialty that takes place in the United Arab Emirates and where they had the opportunity to continue adding valuable points to the international ranking.

In the -63 kilogram division, Awiti Alcaraz had a good start on the tatami after defeating the Italian Flavia Favorini, however, in the second round the story turned out completely different after succumbing to the Spanish Cristina Cabaña, who Later it would fall by the wayside within the “D” graph, preventing the Tokyo 2020 Olympian from being towed to the repechage bracket.

The gold medal went to the experienced Dutchwoman Joanne Van Lieshout, who beat a strong competitor, the Polish Angelika Szymanska, in the final fight, while the bronze medal was shared by the Frenchwoman Clarisse Agbegnenou and Laura Fazliu from Kosovo.

Likewise, in the -52 kilo category, Martínez had the same luck as Awiti since in her debut she was able to defeat Maryam Maharani from Indonesia, only in her next match she was forced to say goodbye, this after losing to to an old acquaintance in continental tournaments, the case of the Argentine Sofía Fiora, in this way, the Central American and Pan American runner-up was left with the desire to sneak into the semifinals of the “A” key.

The podium was headed by the representative of the country of the boot, Odette Giuffrida, the silver went to the Uzbek Diyora Keldiyorova, while the bronze was distributed between the gala Amandine Buchard and the German Mascha Ballhaus.

It should be noted that both Awiti and Martínez remain firm in the final stretch of the Olympic process and are poised to be in Paris 2024, although there are still several dates left in the Grand Slam series, where the lists could undergo one or another modification.

2024-05-22 22:45:47
#Guanajuato #judocas #close #performance #Abu #Dhabi #World #Cup #Sol #León


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