Goodbye Toni Kroos

Saying Kroos is saying football. It is calling things as they are, the German is unappealable in attitude, in talent, in quality. Toni Kroos World champion arrived in Madrid in July 2014, four days after having beaten Argentina in the World Cup final, seven days after having given a historic review (1-7) to a Brazil that was playing at home in that championship. He arrived in Madrid already made, European champion also the year before, runner-up the previous one. He came to the best team being one of the best. And that’s a plus.

He is leaving today, not yet, but in the end because he announced it this Tuesday morning, already very gray for the madridistas. Very cruel for the world of football, sad for all of us who celebrate the ball rolling every week. A footballer goes above colors, above the feeling of a scarf. Kroos leaves, who is elegance made into football, and he leaves because he gives the impression that he has already done everything, he has marked an era and he leaves, as he always said, from the top because What I couldn’t stand is “not being useful, being a substitute or having football become a routine for me.”“.

From the author

From the feeling that is furthest from what it means to be a Real Madrid fan, I think of Kroos as a reference player. One of the cards you would steal from your opponent. That player that you choose as a child for your team. The desired but impossible goal. Because Kroos transcends the rivalry, he makes you recognize that what you see on the field is pure style. Very rarely does someone with such precision. Examples of his latest “craziness” are goals with the inside, that foot placed so well so that the ball enters without leaving a trace. Also on the retina is the pass to Vinicius in Munich in the first leg of the Champions League semi-finals. A pass, supreme delicacy.

It is these days when you realize that you get excited about anything if it is a great soccer player. I have seen Kroos give passes as if you were giving them with your hand. You realize the bravery of certain players and one of those is the German. It’s not easy to jump ship at 34 years old when you’re in top shape.. The courage and knowing how to be that makes you understand that there is a moment in life when you prefer your family, to see your children more because you have achieved everything. If football and life smile on him on June 1, he will win his sixth European Cup.

I say goodbye to Kroos having admired his talent, having suffered his quality. Having screamed in rage for a pass that left a teammate alone. Having enjoyed everything he has given. Because that’s football, like life. Know how to be and know how to behave. Knowing how to suffer and admire at the same time. Being able to say that you saw Toni Kroos play is already a lot.


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2024-05-21 17:50:47
#Goodbye #Toni #Kroos


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