Global Group Valsugana Triumphs in Regional Division 1 Championship Finals

SANTA MARIA DI SALA (Venice). Champions! It is a Saturday evening of extraordinary beauty that was experienced by Global Group Valsugana Basketball by coach Gianluigi Galetti at the PalaGraticolato in Santa Maria di Sala in game 2 of the Regional Division 1 Championship finals Jolly Basket rules 60-75, lifting the coveted trophy in front of a packed and very noisy arena. A triumphal ride for the ambitious and young Trentino club chaired by Riccardo Teoldi (the foundation dates back to 2020, in the post-lockdown summer), already winning three days earlier with 100-67 in the first act of the series, which in the lagoon land collects the 29th victory of the season in 30 total matches and is now waiting for the play-off (best of three matches, game 1 away and game 2 home, opponent, dates and times to be defined) to access Serie C.

Guarini opens the dance with a triple sibilant. Valsugana gets on the scoresheet thanks to Gaye but it is Libralato with four close points who gives his team the +2 in the 3rd minute. The guests climb the slope with Ndaw and the feverish Pisoni who work with energy under the boards, profiting with Erik Czumbel, Della Pietra and lobstraibizier a multitude of trips to the line (nine to be precise) for the +9 (11-20) at the first mermaid. The shooting percentages of the two teams remain drastically deficient: 8/36 for the Venetians and 10/38 for the Trentinos. Caraffa with a triple pushes Jolly down by 7, lobstraibizer, Gaye and Pisoni with a series of excellent plays give Valsugana back a 20 point lead, attenuated by Guarini’s “bomb” on the siren.

Upon returning from the changing rooms, Schiavon and De Nat set off the spark in the lagoon for -13 in the 23rd minute. However, it is the prelude to the ballistic show of Saliou Ndaw who converts a three-point play, tearing the net from long range in rapid succession: 9 points that cut the legs of Jolly down 26-50.

The Venetians remain in the game thanks to Verso and Palmarin who score the score -14 (37-51) in the 29th minute. The “Gallo” from Trentino broke the tension with Adobah’s digs and with a trio of anthology defenses by Mark Czumbel on the marksman Guarini which spread the wings of victory. In the final Gaye lights up the basket with the triple which is the verdict on the match: Della Pietra and Pisoni roar with other classy plays and it’s done: +15 and trophy on the board.

2024-05-26 19:58:30
#fantastic #Global #Group #Valsugana #Basketball #won #championship #Sport


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