Giants Ludwigsburg Fall Short in BBL Quarter-Final Series Against FC Bayern

The Giants Ludwigsburg lost the fourth game of the quarter-final series in the BBL and were eliminated by FC Bayern. The final score was 69:76 (34:40).

Ludwigsburg missed the start of the game and quickly fell behind 2:6. The giants didn’t achieve much in the offensive at first, with only one of the first five attempts from the field finding its way through the ring.

Coach Josh King’s team then stabilized. Since the top favorite from Munich also did not play without mistakes, the deficit remained constant until halftime – 34:40.

Giants Ludwigsburg improve

In the second half, the Giants stood up to the Munich team with a significantly improved field goal percentage and reduced the deficit to four points before the final quarter.

In the last ten minutes, the King team put up a great fight. But every time the opportunity to equalize arose, the giants failed. In the end, the Munich team took home the victory and are in the quarter-finals.

Giants Ludwigsburg miss surprise

After the surprising opening victory in the series in Munich, the Giants lost the following three games and ultimately had to acknowledge the quality of the main round winner.

2024-05-25 02:41:52
#BBL #Giants #Ludwigsburg #fail #Bayern


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