Gianni Infantino Announces Game-Changing Innovation for VAR at FIFA Congress

The Editorial Staff Friday 17 May 2024, 12.48pm

Gianni Infantino announced the possibility of an important innovation relating to VAR. The FIFA president, during the Congress held in Bangkok, underlined: “We intend to develop and improve the Var, which has already been implemented by 65 Federations. One has been produced most basic technologywith fewer cameras, so it will be more accessible to everyone.”

What did Infantino say about VAR?

Infantino then continued: “The coaches will be able to request the intervention of the VAR twice per game, also at the invitation of their players. If the referee’s decision will be changed after the intervention of the Varthe coach will keep the call and thus continue to have two.” Infantino then returned to both the 2026 World Cup with 48 teams (“it will be like having 104 Super Bowl“) and on the Club World Cup in summer 2025: “The 32 best teams in the world will be in the United States, a dream for all those who love the soccer . Furthermore, we will propose the Intercontinental Cup again“.

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