Gianluca Scamacca, national striker |

The 0-2 with which Atalanta regulates the Lecce practice and gets even closer to fourth place bears the indelible signature of Gianluca Scamacca. A goal and an assist for his teammate De Ketelaere. A new convincing performance for a prospect who has been waiting for a long time in Bergamo, amidst injuries and matches below expectations.

But now Scamacca seems to be back, he seems to be ready. There is a European Championship to conquer. And to experience as a protagonist.

Gianluca Scamacca. Photo Source: Transfermarkt

Scamacca, falling and getting up again

Romano, born in 1999, the first kicks at Cisco Roma et al Monterotondobefore passing between Formello and Trigoria, Lazio and Rome, the team he has always been a fan of and which, this summer, had tried to bring him home for a long time. Then in 2015 the call that cannot be refused: the PSV Eindhoven he wants to bet on him, but the spark doesn’t fly.

Back to Italy, shore Sassuolo, a workshop that knows how to make talent blossom. Carrot and stick, training and loans. Cremonese and Zwolle, few games and very few goals. Ascoli and Genoa, the province from which to start again. And so, in the 2021 2022 season comes the consecration, in Serie A, with the neroverdi: 16 goals in 36 appearances, the West Ham which puts 36 million on the table plus 6 in bonuses, the Premier League. Here too, however, things aren’t going well and the injury to the external meniscus of his right knee ends early an experience which saw, in terms of numbers, 27 games and 8 goals. So in the summer the Goddess takes care of bringing him back to Italy. AND Luciano Spalletti say thank you.

Gianluca Scamacca with the Genoa shirt. Photo Source: Transfermarkt

The season of maturity

Despite physical problems and not yet 100% form, Scam this year he has scored 18 goals in 41 appearances across Serie A, the Italian Cup and the Europa League. In the last 6 league matches that he played, the striker always participated in the goals of theAtalanta. Numbers that cannot go unnoticed by Luciano Spalletti, who has already decided 80% of his squad for the European Championship, underlining: “If Scamacca is this, for example, it becomes difficult… let’s remember that I’m the one who made him play in the fundamental matches, before we qualified”.

In short, he will be there to lead the Italian attack. Also because the quotes of Retegui I’m decreasing, Immobile seems destined for sunset, Raspadori does not guarantee continuity. Here he is then, the national bomber. The one he was chasing Batistuta and he tried to be Ibrahimovic. The one they waited for a year in Bergamo and thanks to his goals they reached the bottom of all the competitions. What Italy needed to dream of conquering the European Championship.

2024-05-19 10:00:21
#Gianluca #Scamacca #national #striker


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