Gasolero Fan Juan Vega Seeks Financial Support After Stadium Accident

26/05/2024 15:09hs.

In the middle of the party Temperley deployed in Mendoza to encourage his team in the round of 16 of the Argentine Cup ante River, a Cele fan fell from one of the stands and worried everyone. Fortunately, Juan Vega, the protagonist of this story, was stabilized in a hospital in the area and is out of danger. However, He needs everyone’s help to return home..

According to the team’s own supporters, this man does not have the necessary financial resources to pay for his transfer to Buenos Aires y You have to return by plane to continue treatment closer to your home. Although his family managed to get to the province to accompany him, he has to find a way to return because the “complexity of the picture” warrants it. Therefore, through a crowd, the fans They started a collection to collaborate with the cause.

On this occasion, with a brief statement on social networks, his relatives, friends and acquaintances revealed that is stable but it requires significant financial help to cover the expenses that its recovery will entail once it returns.

“Juan is hospitalized in Mendoza accompanied by his family, who traveled urgently due to the event. Fortunately his condition is evolving favorably and in the next few hours he will be discharged and transferred to Buenos Aires by air to continue his recovery due to the complexity of his condition,” they contextualized. Immediately afterwards, they expanded: “Due to this, we ask the largest family in the south for their collaboration so that Juan and his family can return home and face the medical expenses.“.

After providing the corresponding data so that anyone who wants to collaborate can do so, Esteban Echeverria’s Peña Celeste closed: “Any contribution will be more than appreciated.“That’s why together, let’s all help Juan get through this bad moment and so that he can return to the place that makes him happy, which is watching Gasolero.”

To add its support, the club also showed solidarity and took the publication of the supporters’ club to spread it on social networks and notify the rest of its fans of the fundraising that is being carried out. “The great family of the south comes together to collaborate with Juan Vega, the Gasolero who has suffered serious injuries when he accidentally fell from the stands into the pit at the Malvinas Argentinas stadium last Tuesday against River and a collection is made“they wrote.

How was the accident?

Near the end of the first half, Juan Vega fell from the popular Malvinas Argentinas stadium to the pit. Although he suffered severe blows and the game was suspended for a few minutes, the fan He was rushed to a nearby hospital, where doctors managed to stabilize him after the accident..

The Temperley fan who fell into the pit.

How to collaborate with Juan Vega?

To collaborate financially with the collection, Juan Vega’s family, more precisely his sister, shared their bank details. Therefore, those who want or can lend a hand should do so to the following account:


CBU: 01503501000012134783

Account: CA$03/01012134/78

2024-05-26 18:09:37
#Temperley #fan #fell #stands #River #return #Buenos #Aires #Olé


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