From Real Madrid Youth Academy to NBA Dreams: Izan Almansa and Baba Miller’s Journey

Izan Almansa and Baba Miller, two players trained in the Real Madrid youth academy, decided to pack their bags and embark on their own path to achieve their dream, which is the same as that of thousands of children around the world and which is summarized in three letters: NBA . The two internationals with Spain crossed the Atlantic and one through Overtime and the other through the NCAA They keep knocking on the doors of the best league in the world.

Of the two, Almansa is the first in the pools to reach the best league in the world after his presence at the Draft Combine, where he has shone among the best young people presenting themselves for the draft. Miller, for his part, has also decided to submit to the draft, although at the same time he has entered the transfer portal to listen to offers from other universities and continue one more season in the NCAA.

While plucking the daisy, Miller and Almansa met at the Tandem and You First Pro Day to show off their best clothes in front of the scouts of the NBA franchises. An experience that has helped them and has helped them see what the teams in which they want to shine in the future are looking for.

“The experience has been very good. We have been in Dallas for a month training and preparing for the Pro Day and to be able to do the best we can in front of all these NBA people and to be able to go there to Chicago and train in front of “All these people who are going to decide if we get to the next level or not.”Miller says about an experience that will help him decide his future.

“It has been an incredible experience and being able to do it with high-level players like the ones I have been with all this time It has been a very cool experience here and I have enjoyed it a lot. And then, obviously, with everyone from the agency who has treated us and taken care of us very well, everything has been very fun,” concludes the Balearic player who made his debut with Real Madrid in the Euroleague against CSKA.

Almansa made the leap to the United States before. He did so in the summer of 2021 to sign for the Overtime Elite academy in Atlanta. In his second year in the league, playing for YNG Dreamerz, he averaged 9.3 points and 8.6 points, allowing him to lead the team to the finals, where they lost to the twins Amen and Ausar Thompson. His level in Overtime made him sign a professional contract with the G-League, the NBA development league, playing for a team where draft prospects such as Ron Holland or Matas Buzelis were found, who are expected to be chosen in the registration of a draft in which Izan also hopes to do well thanks to experiences like this Pro Day.

“This Combine and Pro Day has been a very good experience, really. I was in Dallas training for a month to prepare for the Combine. I have felt very good in the physical tests, playing and everything. And I think I have improved a lot. It has been a very good experience. TO“Now I’m going to start training with the teams and receive feedback from them”. Franchises that already have Almansa’s name listed, and she knows that she still has to improve to continue gaining followers.

“All of this has been a very good experience. I have learned a lot and these months They have helped me to improve a lot of things that I was not so good at. The shot, my physique, etc. And he has also helped me to reinforce the things that he already did well,” says the Murcian, who seeks to be first round in that ceremony that elevates young future values ​​in the NBA.

2024-05-22 04:40:41
#Baba #Miller #Izan #Almansa #prepare #pearls #Spanish #basketball #knock #door #NBA #Relief


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