From Cancer Survivor to Paralympic Hopeful: Mathieu Thomas’s Incredible Journey to Your Dream Olympics

Mathieu Thomas was the guest of YOUR DREAM OLYMPICS this week!

A high-level para-badminton athlete, in 2023 he is world No. 8 in singles and world No. 7 in men’s doubles. Qualified for the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games, his goal is to win a medal at home.

However, at 17 years old, nothing predicted this athletic destiny… After the diagnosis of a cancerous tumor in the lower abdomen, Mathieu survived with paralysis of the right thigh. He hid his disability for 13 years, before sport allowed him to accept it and make it his greatest strength.

In Your Dream Olympics, Antoine looks back on this extraordinary destiny, on the athlete’s objectives, his challenges, but also on the sporting news of the week.

2024-05-16 12:37:24
#Mathieu #Thomas #parabadminton #athlete #guest #dream #Olympics


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