French Judo Makes History in Abu Dhabi: Margaux Pinot Clinches World Title Against Marie-Eve Gahié

Historic brilliance for French judo in Abu Dhabi: Margaux Pinot won against Marie-Eve Gahié in the -70 kg world final, thus achieving a resounding feat at the age of 30.

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The Abu Dhabi sports scene offered a unique spectacle this week, with two French women in the world judo final. Margaux Pinot, not selected for the Paris Olympic Games, took a stunning revenge by winning her first world title against her compatriot Marie-Eve Gahié. This fight, full of intensity and talent, revealed all the tension and competitiveness of this emblematic sport.

A historic Franco-French duel

On Wednesday, the tatami mats of Abu Dhabi were the scene of an unprecedented event. For the first time in the history of French judo, two French judokas competed for the world crown. Margaux Pinot and Marie-Eve Gahié, after triumphing over their respective opponents in the semi-finals, found themselves in the -70 kg final. The duel reached its climax during the golden score, a phase where each movement could swing victory. Pinot seized this opportunity with an impeccably executed waza-ari, winning his first world title at the age of 30.

Pinot, between pride and emotions

This triumph is all the more significant for Margaux Pinot, excluded from the Parisian Olympic selection in favor of Marie-Eve Gahié. This choice, based on the strict principle of a single place per category and per nation, has often caused dilemmas for the governing bodies of judo when they have to decide between athletes of the same level. At the end of the final, Pinot spoke with great emotion: “I’m coming out of a few not very nice years, and I’m managing to bounce back once again. I can be very proud today. »

The shadow of non-selection for the Olympic Games still looms large, but this gold medal seems to make up for some of the regrets: “I’m not going to the Olympics, but being a world champion is crazy. Regrets [de ne pas aller aux Jeux] ? Yes, but this gold medal fills everything I didn’t have. That’s wonderful. »

Ups and downs for the French team

These Abu Dhabi Worlds were marked by various results for the French team. Before Pinot’s coronation, French performances had been mixed with the bronze medals of Amandine Buchard (-52 kg) and Clarisse Agbégnénou (-63 kg). These events, although sources of disappointment, testify to the consistency and high level of French athletes.

With this victory, the French team can boast of its first title in these Worlds, bringing a breath of fresh air and motivation for the next meetings. Thursday promises to be just as eventful with the women’s +78 kg competition, featuring Frenchwoman Léa Fontaine. Finally, the mixed team event will close this intense week of competitions.

The future of French judo

Margaux Pinot’s journey perfectly illustrates the resilience and determination necessary to excel at the highest level. This triumph could well redefine the dynamics within the French team, offering new perspectives for future competitions. The performance of French judokas this week reinforces the idea that French judo is more than ever an essential force on the world stage.

How will this world title influence the rest of Margaux Pinot’s career, and what lessons will the French team learn from it for the next international events? The issues are still numerous and raise expectations. To what extent will this historic victory impact the culture of judo in France and will it inspire younger generations?

2024-05-25 12:01:16
#Judo #Worlds #judo #champion #takes #revenge #beating #formidable #rival #excluded #Olympics


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